Welcome to the 2024-25 Troop Year!
What do Sudbury Girl Scouts Do?
Sudbury Girl Scouts helps girls develop confidence, courage and character, while making the world a better place - and having fun! And Girls Scout is girl-led - girls are empowered to make their plans, choose their paths, discover their passions and strengths, and experience the role of leadership. Girls are supported by their troop leaders and volunteers (both experienced and brand-new), town-wide service unit leaders, a Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA) regional volunteer support specialist, as well as the GSEMA council and the national Girl Scout organization. We'd love for you to join us!
Town-wide events hosted by the Sudbury Service Unit (and with the help of our amazing volunteers) happen all year long, open to all in Sudbury Girl Scouts, regardless of troop. Some of our recurring favorites are:
July 4th of July Parade
We'd love for you to join us! More info here.
Town-wide events hosted by the Sudbury Service Unit (and with the help of our amazing volunteers) happen all year long, open to all in Sudbury Girl Scouts, regardless of troop. Some of our recurring favorites are:
- Town-wide Camporee - overnight camping, cooking, orienteering and outdoor skills
- Jamboree and Bridging Ceremony - honoring girls' progression to their next level of Girl Scouts
- Enrollment Events – for new scouts (Tables at Back to School Nights and Informational events)
- Daisy Low Celebration - outdoor fun and games in honor of the GS founder's birthday
- Fall Product Sales (candy, magazines, nuts) - earn money for fun events!
- Night Hike (for Juniors/Cadettes)
- Leaf Raking for local senior citizens
- Veteran’s Day community service event/ Roller Kingdom skating party
- Hosmer House Holiday Decorating (for Cadettes)
- Holiday visits to nursing homes/Caroling
- Cookie Booths and Sales (Through early March)
- Daisy/Brownie Square Dance - bring an adult partner
- "Cookie Crush" Pinewood Derby
- Earth Day Clean Up
- Annual Town Meeting - passing the microphone; bake sale
- Geranium Planting on Veterans’ graves 4 Memorial Day
- Memorial Day Parade/Sing at Town Center Ceremony
July 4th of July Parade
We'd love for you to join us! More info here.
~ Scenes from our Fall Camporee ~
Congratulations to our newest Juniors, Cadettes and Ambassadors, who Bridged to their new levels at Camporee!
